Voting and Authorizations

Voting and Authorizations

If you don’t know how to create the poll for voting, click here.
Create ticket types corresponding to the members who will vote by going to Event > Setup > Ticket Types.
For example: 
  1. Members with the right to vote -> Member (will vote)
  2. Authorized individuals -> Authorized to vote
(See additional information on creating ticket types by clicking here.)

Upload Files 

1. Upload the list of your members who have the right to vote

  1. Create the list following the steps you will find here.
  2. Go to Manage > More > Import > Import Orders.
  3. Upload the Excel file.
  4. Select Ticket Type corresponding to the members that have the right to vote: e.x. Member (will vote).
  5. Disable the Send by email button, so that they will not receive any email at this point.
  6. Select the language of the persons in the list you are uploading (you need to have a different list for each language).
  7. Select Preview.
  8. Select Upload file and send.

2.  Upload the list of the individuals who have been authorized by members to vote.

  1. Create the list following the steps you will find here.
  2. Go to Manage > More > Import > Import Orders.
  3. Upload the Excel file.
  4. Select Ticket Type corresponding to the members that have the right to vote: e.x. Authorized to vote.
  5. Disable the Send by email button, so that they will not receive any email at this point.
  6. Select the language of the persons in the list you are uploading (you need to have a different list for each language).
  7. Select Preview.
  8. Select Upload file and send.

Manage authorization

If someone (Person A) authorizes another person (Person B) to vote for them, Person A will not be able to vote themselves. If the voting is streamed, Person A can watch the stream using their personal link, but they cannot vote.
If someone (Person C) has been authorized by multiple people, Person C can vote on behalf of each person who authorized them. Person C will use their own personal link to vote for everyone who authorized them.
To declare Authorizations:

Step A

  1. Go to Manage > Registrations.
  2. Select a member that has authorized someone else, click on the icon  next to their name and select Change Order.
  3. Select Change ticket type and select ticket type e.x. Member (has authorized other).
  4. Continue this process for all members that have authorized someone else.

Step B

  1. Go to Online > Surveys.
  2. Click More and select Voting Authorizations.
  3. On the Authorized list box, select or search for a person who is authorized to vote by the "Authorizer".
  4. On the Authorizer list box, select or search for a person who authorizes the "Authorized" to vote on behalf of him.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Continue this process for all authorizations.

Send voting links 

Usually, the voting link is added in the e-ticket, so you just need to send the tickets to your members and to authorized individuals.
  1. To make sure that the voting link is correctly inserted in the e-ticket, go to Event > Customize > Templates
  2. Edit the Registration Confirmation Email Template by clicking the icon .
  3. Add the voting link by clicking on the icon .
  4. Press Save.
  5. Go to Manage > Contact attendees.
  6. Select Send to all attendees.
  7. Select the ticket types: e.x. Member (will vote) and Authorized to vote.
  8. At the More Settings choose Attach Tickets.
  9. Select Language.
  10. Click Preview,
  11. Check if all information is correct and select Send.

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