Surveys / Polls

Surveys / Polls

Create a Questionnaire / Poll

1. Create a Questionnaire

  1. From your event management, go to Online > Surveys.
  2. Click +New > New Survey.
  3. Edit the Title.
  4. Set the Start and End Date.
  5. Choose the ticket type that will have access to the survey.
  6. Click Save.

2. Create Questions

  1. Next to the questionnaire you created, click Questions.
  2. Select +Add Question.
  3. Choose the Question Type.
  4. You can enable the Answer Required if it is needed.
  5. Write the Question.
  6. Fill in the answer choices.
  7. Click Save.
If you do not want participants to be able to change their answers, go to Online > Surveys >  > Options, and enable Do not allow user to change his answers in survey.

Send the Questionnaire / Poll

1. Edit the Email Template

  1. Go to Event > Customize > Templates.
  2. Click +Add New > Contact Email Template.
  3. Configure the Template Name and Subject.
  4. Add the questionnaire link by clicking  .
    (You can find the questionnaire link at
    Online > Surveys >  )
  5. Click Save.

2. Send Email

  1. Go to Manage > Contact attendees.
  2. Select the recipients of the questionnaire (e.g., those who checked in).
  3. Choose the registration ticket type to send the email.
  4. Select Delivery Method (email / sms).
  5. Select the email template you created with the questionnaire.
  6. Click Preview.
  7. Verify all details are correct and click Send.

Questionnaire / Poll Results

  1. Go to Online > Surveys.
  2. Click the  button on the top right.
  3. Download the Excel file containing the questionnaire results.
To see the questionnaire results in pie chart form, click on the icon  in the top right.

Link Questionnaire / Poll to the WebApp

  1. In the WebApp, create a "Poll" type page.
  2. Choose the category you want to link to.
Learn more about the WebApp by clicking here.

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