Check-in Instructions

Check-in Instructions

Basic information

  1. You can use as many mobile devices or laptops/tablets as you wish at each entry point.
  2. All check-ins are synchronized with Eventora, preventing the same ticket from being scanned more than once. 
  3. When checking in guests, you can see their name, company, ticket type, assigned seat (if the seating service is selected), and payment status (if the event is paid).
An internet connection is required for check-in use.

Check-In with smartphones

Check in guests faster with the Eventora Scanner app for Android and iOS. An internet connection is required.
  1. Install the Eventora Scanner app:
    Eventora Scanner for Android
    - Eventora Scanner for iOS devices
  2. Login in to your Eventora account.
  3. Select your event and session (if applicable).
  4. Scan the QR code with your phone's camera.

Eventora Scanner App Settings/Modes

Auto Check-In Active: When you scan a ticket, it automatically checks in without needing to press the check-in button.
Auto Check-In Inactive: When you scan a ticket, ticket details appear on the screen. You must press the check-in button to complete the process.

Kiosk Mode: Scanning is done with the front camera. Combined with Auto Check-In, this is useful for self-service check-in. For example, you can set up tablet stands where attendees can scan their tickets and be automatically checked in.

Check-In with laptops or tablets

  1. Select Manage > Check-in.
  2. In the search field, type the guest's name, company, or email.
  3. Click Check-In next to the guest's name.
  4. Optionally, click the icon  to edit the ticket or print a ticket/badge.

On-site registrations

You can register new attendees on-site:
  1. Go to Manage > Check-in.
  2. Select the icon  in the top right > Registration.
  3. Click Next, select the ticket type.
  4. Click Next and fill in the guest's details.
  5. Click Create Order and CheckIn.

Check-Out Capability

The check-out feature is useful for events where you need to track guests leaving, so you always know how many attendees are present.
  1. Enable check-out from: Event > Settings > Check-in / Check-out > Enable Check out
  2. View the number of attendees at any time from: Reports > Attendance > Attendance Report

Why Check-In your attendees? 

Check-in reports
  1. Get immediate insights on who has already arrived at your event and the total number of checked-in participants.
    Reports > Check-Ins
  2. View attendance charts.
    Reports > More > Dashboard
  3. Get instant numbers of check-ins.
    Manage > Check-in
Send a thank you message or a follow-up email to your participants
  1. Send emails to checked-in participants, either to update them during the event or to thank them afterward.
    Manage > Contact attendees

Welcome your guests
  1. Personally welcome each participant upon arrival. Their name will automatically appear on a screen at the entrance.
    Customize the welcome screen from: Manage > More > Advanced Check-In > Welcome
Send a welcome e-mail or SMS.
  1. Automatically send a personalized email or SMS when a guest checks in.
    - Set up this feature from: Event > Settings > Email, SMS, Notifications > Send email on check-in
    - Customize it from: Event > Customize > Templates > Other > Email Sent on Check-In

Give access to your team members

To give your team members access to perform check-ins:
  1. Select Event > Setup > Team.
  2. Enter user's email and click Add User.
  3. Select the fields:
    CheckIn: Access to the online participant list for check-in.
    CheckIn Mobile: Connect to the Eventora Connect Scanner app for scanning participant tickets for check-in.
  4. For more information on assigning roles to your team members, click here.
Ensure your team member registers at if they haven't already, so they can perform check-ins.

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