Live Questions

Live Questions (Q&A)

Create a Q&A Section

  1. Go to Online > Questions / Chat.
  2. Click on Create question category.
  3. Edit the Description by adding a name to the category you are creating.
  4. Set the Start and End Date for questions.
Questions submitted will require your approval to be displayed.

View and Approve Questions

  1. Next to the desired category, click Manage Questions.
  2. If there is a new question, it will appear at the bottom.
  3. Approve or Delete the questions by clicking the respective buttons.
  4. Submit your own questions (they are published immediately).

View Participant View

Next to the desired category, click Mobile View.

Displaying Questions on the Screen

Next to the desired category, click Projector View.

Linking Question Category to the WebApp

  1. In the WebApp, create a page of the "Questions" type.
  2. Select the category you want to link.
Learn more about the WebApp here.

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