you don't have a business account, create one.
2. From the left side menu, go to SALES > ONLINE PAYMENTS > WEBSITES / APPS and
click on the green button Add Website/App in the right menu.
3. Fill out the form as shown below and click the Create button. The number in the Code field is generated randomly, so you don't need to change it.

You will need this code, so make sure to note it down to avoid returning to this screen.
4. From the left menu, go to SETTINGS > API ACCESS. You will need the Merchant ID and API Key.
Eventora uses these credentials to enable online payments through Viva.
Log in to your Eventora account ( and select the event for which you want to enable online payments with Viva.
6. From the top menu, select Event > Setup > Ticket Types > Payment Methods.
7. Click on the Add > Add merchant / Manage payments > Add Merchant > Viva Payments.
8. Add the Viva API credentials.
9. The App Code field is the Code that was initially generated in your Viva account.
10. Go to More settings + and enable the Live credentials.
11. Click Save.