Upload Photo with Crop Image Functionality

Upload Photo with Crop Image Functionality

To create an upload photo field with crop image functionality:

1. Go to Event > Setup > Registration Form or Ticket Forms.
2. Select Create a new field.
3. Under the Type field, choose File upload.
4. Under the Field name, enter the text you want, e.g., "Upload your photo".
5. In the Help text field, you can enter a message like "Please upload a .jpg or .png file up to 5MB."
If someone tries to upload a file of a different type (e.g., PDF), they will receive an error message.
6. Enable the Enable Cropping Image option and set the width and height of the image in pixels.
7. Click Save.

Now, participants can upload their photo directly to the respective field in the dimensions you have specified, as shown in the example below.

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