Send WebApp Link

Send WebApp/Website Link

To send the link of your WebApp you will need to edit the relevant email message.

Edit Email Message

To edit it, go to Event > Customize > Templates > Advanced > WebApp Link Reminder.

Do not edit the "Access WebApp" button, as it includes the WebApp Link.

Send WebApp/Website Link

To email the WebApp/Website Link to participants, go to Manage > Contact attendees.

Step 1. Select Recipients
You can choose whether the email will be sent to the registrations contact persons or to all participants.
You can also choose whether to send the email only to those who have paid.

Step 2. Select a registration type
You can send emails only to specific ticket types.

Step 3. Send by email / sms
If you have sms enabled, you will be able to send the WebApp Link via this option.
If you would like to enable sms sending contact us.

Step 4. Select an e-mail template
Choose WebApp Link Reminder (it's the email message you edited before)

Finally, click Preview and then Send.

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