In many events, organizers wish to review participation applications before approving or rejecting them.
If you wish to follow this policy, follow these steps:
1. Enable Application Mode
- Go to Event > Settings.
- Under Requests, select "Do you want to select who is coming?".
- Click Save.
2. Customize email templates
- Go to Event > Customize > Templates.
- Under Requests, edit:
a) Request received: This email confirms that the application has been received. We recommend including a message that informs when the application is approved, the applicant will receive a new email with a link to complete the registration (and payment, if required).
b) Request accepted: This email confirms that the application has been accepted. At the end of this message, a link is automatically added for the applicant to make the payment for the ticket or simply confirm their participation (if participation is free).
c) Request rejected: This email confirms that the application has been rejected.
You can customize the registration form according to the criteria you choose, in order to accept or reject an applicant.

For detailed instructions on how to edit and customize the Registration Form, click here. 4. Approval / Rejection Process
- Go to Manage > Requests.
- View all applicants and their responses to the Registration Form.
- Accept applicants by selecting the icon
or Reject them by selecting the icon
, the corresponding email will be automatically sent to each one.
5. Start and End Date of the Applications
- Go to Event > Settings.
- Select Dates & Limits.
- Edit the Applications Start At and Applications End At fields.
- Click Save.