Eventora Sessions, Rooms and Locations

Event Sessions, Rooms and Locations

To create sessions for your event:
1. Go to Event > Setup > Sessions
2. Click the "+ New Session" button
3. Fill in the Session Name, Start Date, End Date, 
4. Select which ticket type(s) have access to the session.

Optionally, you can assign a physical room or an online room to a session.

Event sessions can be visible in the online environment by adding {{SessionsWebAppSelect}} in the webapp page.

After adding the agenda in the online environment participants can select each session and also add it to the calendar.

To create a new location, click the button Locations and then the button +Add

After creating locations, click the button Rooms to create Rooms. 

When creating a Room, you specify if it is a physical or an online room.
  1. For physical Rooms you can specify the physical location of the Room
  2. For online Rooms, you can specify a link (for example a Video Conference link) or an Eventora WebApp page (for example, a Stage where an event will be streamed).

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